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How do we measure the CF Zipper Length?

The way to measure CF zipper is not very tough, but sometimes it makes much panic for developers. Usually, it depends on the fabric & zipper nature or properties. Additionally, we should have a prior idea about the shrinkage percentage of fabric & zipper tape especially washing garments. Some zipper measurements are not very complicated such as pocket, leg opening, armpit, hood attachment etc. Because, these zippers size does not differ from size to size, but the dimension of center front zipper may vary from one size to another size.

Here, we only discuss the center front zipper length of garments especially tops item cause during production sometimes it may make panic if we do not measure it properly.

A) If the garments do not exist any high neck then the rules will be like below:

center front zipper

Suppose if the body length from HPS – 31”
Front Neck Drop from HPS – 4.5”
Rules: (Body length from HPS – Front neck drop) – 2% to reduce sewing puckering

= (31” – 4.5”) -2%
= (26.5”- 2%)
= 25.97”
= 26”

B) If the garments exist high neck and the zipper goes up to high neck from bottom, then the rules will be like below –

center front zipper01Body length from HPS – 31”
Front Neck drop from HPS – 4.5”
Front collar height – 3”Rules: (Body length from HPS – Front neck drop) – 2% to reduce sewing puckering + Front collar height
= (31” – 4.5”) -2% + 3”
= (26.5”- 2%) + 3”
= 25.97” + 3”
= 28.97”
= 29”

C) Beside this, we can measure the CF zipper length considering garments back length.  If the garments exist backdrop tail and the zipper goes up to high neck from bottom then the rules will be like below:

center front zipper02
Rules: (Back length + Back neck
drop from HPS) – Front neck drop from HPS + Front collar height – Hem drop from CF to CB if exist – 2% to reduce sewing puckering.
= (28”+1”) – 4.5” + 3.25” – 7.5” – 2%
= (29”-4.5”) +2.5” – 2%
=24.5” + 2.5” – 2%
=27” – 2%
So, total CF zipper length will be 26.5”
However, it is more important that we should discuss with pattern maker first to confirm any zipper measurement to the buyer or before zipper procurement.
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