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Drying Process for Natural soft hand

A- Heat up Cycle
Load damps garments into the dryer after centrifugal extraction. It will take about 5-10 minutes to raise the maximum drying temp of around 80 ·90 C.
B- Main Drying Cycle
To dry garment at the max temp until it is approximate 70 % dry. Duration could vary according to the fabric and garment construction.
natural dryC- Cool down Cycle
To avoid over drying while garments dry, the clothes should be dry and soft but not brittle. This could be achieved by adjusting the steam valve or the exhaust duct opening. Duration could vary according to the fabric and garment construction
D- Cool Tumble Cycle
To give garment an extra bit of softness and regain moisture at ambient environment.
Turn off the steam could achieve it and open the exhaust duct completely. This needs to be at least 20 minutes
*** Since this drying process would prolong the drying under a moist condition at an ideal temp range of 50-65 C for the enzyme to be reactivated which may damage the fiber strength, it is critical to thoroughly neutralize the enzymes during the clean up cycle if enzymes are being used in the wet processing cycle.
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