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Career Tips

Want to be a fashion designer? Let’s have a look!

Now people are fascinated to the object oriented education. Because vocational education plays an important role to enhance someone’s career in the job market considering general education. However, fashion designing is one of the popular subjects in the context of career trend as it exists several options to develop your personality. If you are creative, you might be the best celebrity designer after a course of time. Fashion designers develop their design in coherence with the choice of the purchaser’s motive, socioeconomic condition, market forecast and harmony with the weather. They should have vast knowledge of fabric, weaving, quality control, technical aspects, and human changing tendency.

Step of Fashion designing
Those who are passionate, innovative, high ambitious, goal-oriented, problem-solving attitude to generate new trend for human being can create a suitable position in this ground.
1) Imagination, Inquiry, and Research
2) Illustrate the main design
New fashion trend3) Then paste the design onto a hard paper
4) Cut your cloth according to your design
5) Now stitch all cut pieces to make a sample and check it fitting by wearing onto a dummy.
6) If require, please reshape the pattern or implement new cut line. Thus, a design finalized by a fashion designer.
7) Then again cut the cloth and sew it to make it perfect.
Fashion designer in bulk production
There are several segments in design section like jeans wearer, kid’s wearer, gents or ladies wearer, knitwear or sportswear. Someone should emphasis on some particular category and try to get much skill to reach unique scale.
Find a better way to do bulk production considering cost minimization and time-saving process.
Rolls of fashion designer to create new trend
Fashion designer has to liable to create new fashion trend. Fashion designers always try to deliver new product line by implement different shape and cut line. Usually, fashion trend fixed by fashion designer through forecasting and consumers demand. Later fashion houses arrange bulk production and display to draw consumer’s attention. Beside this, fashion houses organize fashion shows for retailing new arrival items.
Extra curriculum activities
1) A fashion designer has to perform in other arenas
2) He has to design dresses for film actress, TV personalities or theater actress.
3) He has to do research on human nature and traditional fashion trend.
Designers and developers roll in bulk production of garment industry
1) Research and try to invent new design
2) Involve with mock up and sample development
3) Junior designer first cut pattern
4) Later they amalgamate all procured items those brought from marker
Additional qualification
1) Creative and artistic mind
2) Capabilities to invent core and unique design
3) Clear concept of color sensitivity and its application
4) Tremendous abilities to draw your imagination through 3D design software, capable of reading consumers living standard and target market.
5) Strong forecast abilities
6) Passionate to bring new design
7) Quick learner
8) Through knowledge on visual effects
9) Fashion consciousness
10) Inventor mentality
11) Strong observation power
12) Leading attitude
Job pattern
A designer has to work all day long. He has to accomplish not only design task but also involve with others official task. Usually, design team is involved with different stage to develop a new trendy wearer. Senior designer has to train junior designers, brief their daily work and observe their activities. Besides this, they have to read fashion magazine, newspaper at office to know the latest news and search other designers fashion trend through the internet. They have to attend fashion and cultural shows, collect essential items from market, meet with show organizers and fashion journalist.
Why should we learn?
Students have to chase behind the job after getting a so-called traditional degree. Textile or Garment sector requires many qualified candidates. But they are not getting it from current job market. Someone can get a suitable job in Textile, Garment, Buying house, Boutique or fashion house once complete fashion designing or merchandising degree. On the other hand, interior designers play an important role in decorating modern sculptures. Nowadays everyone is interested in decorating their office or home. Interior designers have vast opportunity to enhance their scale than any other profession. Beside this, graphic designers have enough opportunity to work in different organizations.
Employment opportunity
Fashion designers have vast opportunity to work in the following sectors:
1) May work in Garments/ Textile or weaving industry
2) Can involve with wholesaling or retailing business of Gents-Ladies item, Infants, Sportswear or casual wearer
3) Can involve with fashion house to create new design or high-quality fashion wearer for celebrities
4) May formed a Textile or Weaving industry
5) May organize fashion show or fashion magazine
6) Can be a TV/ Cinema programmer or producer, Artist or dress designer
7) Can be a theater or Movie producer
8) Can build an Advertising house
9) Can be a teacher in a design institute
Income Opportunity
Fashion designers income opportunity varies from country to country. Someone can income $3080 – $1, 08,590 annually. Income mainly depends on their creativity, expertise, and job tenure etc.


Income Statement

Initially, they can earn $600 – $1200 each month. Gradually, it will increase 4- 5 times more after getting technical expertise and implementation of new fashion trend.
How can you enter this profession?
There exist some training facilities and professional degree on fashion technology to get a suitable job in the fashion industry. You can admit into a renowned institute to get six months or one-year long diploma course, four years long BSC honors in fashion design and technology. Some renowned university has facilities to do masters or PhD degree.
Admission eligibility
Someone can be a fashion designer without any institutional education but it would be better if you admit into any renowned fashion institute to make your dream true. You may become a fashion designer after passing HSC/ A level having GPA 2.5 to achieve four years long BSC in fashion design and technology.

You can also admit in short term certificate course or diploma degree on this topic after passing HSC/ Bachelor degree. Then you may get an option to work in the fashion industry.

If I had to add a final point regarding this topic, it would be this: fashion industry is always a big field, and it has enough scope to grow your expertise. I am constantly fascinated with how fashion industry meshes with so many other areas of human fashion trend.

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