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Fabric shade Separation Procedure

Shading is an important defect to catch before step into production. Whenever apparel industry purchases required fabric from the supplier, they may found different fabric shade after recipient. It may occur during fabric dying. When fabric mills produce lots of fabric and during dying fabric color may differ from one lot to another lot. As per buyer advice, quality should separate shade of any incoming fabric whenever those receive at material control department (MCD) and then have to make swatch. The bundle has the responsibility to check for shade problems before allowing the bundles to be put into the line.  Both rolls and cut should be checked for shading problems. The procedure which QC is following for making swatches and shade separations describing below: –

1. When material department receives any fabric for a certain Invoice, they sent those to QC department to make shade. QC cut one small piece (size –4-inch square swatch) from every roll whatever the consignment is small or big in quantity. It is important to obtain a sample from every roll so that the rolls are checked 100%.
2. QC has to write all rolls information onto those cut pieces; compare with Buyer approved standard swatches and need to watch all swatches very carefully. All samples should be laid out and grouped by shade. If find shade variation they have to segregate those pieces into different shades on the basis of closer shade like Shade# A, Shade# B, Shade# C etc. This area must be well lit in order to properly shade the rolls.
3. If found some rolls of shade A and some rolls of shade B, QC collect more three pieces (size – 4” x 3”) from selected roll among certain shade group and attach it to swatch board as a representative of particular shade group. Rolls should be grouped together accordingly by shade.
Moreover, QC writes down all rolls number, lot number, and quantity under particular shade group and makes four copies of swatch board with all information.
4. Out of 4 swatch boards, QC has to send one copy to material control department (MCD), one copy to merchandiser, one copy to concern cutting (production) and remaining one copy of their individual record and reference.
5. In case of serious shade variation QC has to make more shade cards, for example material control department received 100 rolls/10,496 yards of fabric item: – Citation Twill, Color – Work wear Blue from Brook wood USA. QC inspector has to make six swatch cards with detail information of all rolls. Three cards needed for merchandiser (one for supplier, one for buyer lesion office and other for own keeping), one card for store, one for Cutting and another one for QA record. As per our previous fabric receiving records, QC team have to make six swatch cards of even 600 rolls in future which will take more manpower and long time that will affect our normal fabric inspection procedure seriously.

6. Production/cutting has to make a plan which shade group can be cut for which PO and which country on the basis of order break down so that no different shade group fabric is used for one country or any Purchase Order.

If you would like to get clear idea of fabric shade separation procedure, please download it from my google drive link. Please hit the link to download your desired file.

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