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Choice of Cutting Techniques

Cutting is one of the toughest and decisive process in garments production because once the fabric has been cut, few option to be appeared for rectification if a serious mistake happens. We have got a rough idea by the previous article of the usability of several cutting device using in the apparel industry. Usually, following matters should be considered before choice cutting methods:

1. Number and quality of cutting appliance in the cutting room.

2. Number of cutting table and total floor space cutting room.
3. Cost of cutting- garments quantity, number of manpower, color assortment, and time utilization should be considered.
Cutting Techniques

4. Volume of production-> straight knife & computerized techniques for high volume but for small quantity can use manual techniques.

5. Number of plies or layer height-> band knife for up to 6″ height, straight knife for higher height. If use round knife then the layer height must not cross 40% of the blade diameter.

6. Type of garment parts-> straight knife & round knife cutting device useful for bigger parts. Band knife is helpful for cutting sharp corner like piping/loop etc. Auto arm cutter for having puffiness items like padding or something, die cutter for small parts like pockets, cap, shoes, embroidery applique, shoulder pads & backpack etc.

7. Nature of fiber in the fabric-> before selecting cutting process, nature of fiber should be considered. Laser cutting may not be useful for thermoplastic fibers; water jet is suitable for little absorbency fibers like polyester; puffiness item like padding should not be cut by die cutter etc. So, fabric nature always plays an important role in choice cutting techniques.

8. Cutting speed-> computerized techniques is required to get higher speed and output.

9. Quality of cutting-> computerized techniques is required for high-quality cutting.

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