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An overview of Traffic Light System

Quality problem is a major panic for manufacturers. Hence, they are using several methods to improve production process. Today, we will discuss a unique method which is vastly used to control product quality that is Traffic Light System, and it is shortened as TLS.
Traffic Light System (TLS):
It is a quality system designed to identify problems and get help from management to solve those problems.
* The purpose of Traffic Light System
The purpose of this system is to determine the quality problems within the needlepoint and to give remedies to stop it from recurring immediately.
* Introduction:
During the course of the day, the Inline inspector (TLSA) will randomly check the operator’s work as 7 pieces out of the bundle, and the minimum round of daily checks per operator will be 4 per day.
Sequence of Capturing defects in 04 visits:
* 1st Visit – (Regular Visit) Traffic Light System Auditor (TLSA) has to cover all machines and evaluate the process in terms of Constructional issues as well as other visual defects.
* 2nd Visit – (Follow Up) TLSA has to cover all Critical to Quality (CTQ – which needs approve mocks on the process), Yellow and Red labeled process.
* 3rd Visit – (Follow Up) same as 2nd visit
* 4th Visit – (Regular Visit) TLSA has to cover all process again and judge each process in terms of overall quality view.
Example – Traffic light symbols:
Traffic light symbols
Basic Concept of COLOR Light Card:
Green light cards allow traffic to proceed
The concerned parties (QA and Production Supervisors, Technicians, Mechanics) should actively assist the operator to solve quality problems when yellow light cards are attached.
WIP or Products cannot be passed to the next production stage when the red light cards are hanging. In case of red labeled process, Floor Management (APM, QA, Technicians, and Mechanics) has to involve validating the process. Red labeled process can be treated as SOS; operators need help.
During the next inspection time, when 1 PC of garment is to be defective or substandard, the Green light card should be replaced by a Yellow light card During the next inspection time, if they do not found any defect garment, the card remains in green light.
During follow-up visit, while there is no defect found, Yellow color can be changed to Green, If more than one defects, it should be changed to Red.
When the garments successfully pass in consecutive inspections for two times and the result is zero defects, the red light card can be replaced by a yellow light card. In case of continuous red light, process should be stopped and find the solution to rectify immediately. Floor management has to be involved.
The actual physical standard is representing the work content of that particular workstation and the associated specification needed to achieve that standard.
Operation Specification:
OPERATION SPECIFICATION SHEET*Mentioning the details of an operation:
a) The purpose of the operation
b) The key quality problems and their downstream impacts on the product conformity.
c) Operation Key measurements, guide settings, trim off allowance, needle size/type stitches per inch, type, and any other relevant specification.
d) Prepared by the technician, reviewed and agreed by team leader and operator.
e) Sewing Operation Standard
f) Prepared by operator and approved by technical team leader, mechanic and quality management (QM).
g) Used to highlight stitch density, balance, SPI,
h) Sewing margin
i) Using correct bulk raw material
j) Placed on the Operation Specification Sheet.
It has to be added for only Critical to quality process which has to be assessed during PP meeting; it can be modified with QA manager’s approval during bulk if all concern feels different process as critical. Please find a google drive link to know the process clearly. Please hit the link to download your desired file.

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