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Role of Buying House to expand Garment Business

Role of Buying House to expand Garments Business

Introduction: Role of buying house is inevitable to expand garment business in any country. Bangladesh has accrued a unique position in RMG sector by delivering finest quality of clothing items with low price than any other competitor countries. The country has huge skilled and unskilled workforce to expedite this business. It’s interesting that most of them are women. Women are perfect to do such job. Because they are attentive, industrious, and steady, those are essential quality to become an operator. Thus, Bangladesh is stronger its position in the global apparel market. It is inevitable that garments buying house have played a significant role to achieve this position. Today, I will elaborate functions and responsibilities of garments buying house to enhance garment business.

Role of Buying House to expand Garments Business

A typical Buying House office

Buying House: Buying house consists of a group of skilled persons like Merchandiser, technician, developer, quality manager, logistic manager along with a well-furnished office. Buying house plays an important role by collecting a lot of orders from the world’s top garments buyers. The main purpose of garments buying house is to make a connection between buyers and clothing manufacturers. For this process, they got a portion of profit margin that is called commission. There are two types of such media found in garment business that would be a buying agency or a buying office. Functions of both organizations are different from each other. Buying agency is an autonomous body of buyer’s regional office, from where all kinds of necessary approval have given. They got an extra power as they are treated as buyer representative and deserve additional facilities from buyers. But buying office is that, which works at a time with different buyers and brands. It may have several wings to handle different buyers and brands individually. By this process, all the necessary approvals come from the buyer end, not from buying house. They just carry out buyers instructions.

Let’s find a Flow Chart of a Buying House to understand their working procedure clearly:


Buying house flow chart

Regular Functions of Buying House in Garments Business:

In a word, buying house is a marketing agent. They have to do bunch of works to chase buyers command to execute a bulk order. Main duties of buying house are to search foreign buyers, order collection by presenting several kinds of lucrative samples, look after sample development by following buyers command and send for sample approvals. Besides this, they have to search local garment manufacturers, look after product quality according to buyer’s guideline, coordinate with buyers required delivery date and race to keep garment manufacturers production schedule etc.

Garments manufacturers have to depend on buying house to collect order from them. Because foreign buyer hunting and order collection from them is not an easy task. Garment export business consists of bunch of works like marketing, distribution, procurement, development, production, documentation, payment collection which is not possible to accomplish by small garment manufacturers. Thus, they have to seek buying house attention to continue their production. Buying house plays a major role in speeding up clothing business because they have clear idea regarding strength and weakness of local garment sector. On the other hand, foreign buyers mostly depend on local buying house because they do not have vast knowledge to place order and execution in local market. Usually, buying house assists buyers to procure their required goods from the correct place. They should have cordial set up to meet buyers demand. Thus, foreign buyers rely on local buying house activities for expanding their business.

A buying house has to do following tasks promptly to seek buyer’s attention:

1) Search suitable foreign buyer

2) Seek order from them

3) Search appropriate local garment factory to execute the order

4) Select local factory and dealing with them

5) Follow up sample development and make samples according to buyer’s requirement

6) Communicate with buyers to get required approvals

7) Once get final approvals, please send all the comments and approved samples to local factories for bulk production

8) Keep contacting with local factory and follow-up order processing to apply buyer’s instructions

9) Never compromise regarding product quality to deserve buyers attraction

10) Arrange inspection by following all terms and conditions according to individual buyers guideline

11) Keep requested delivery date and follow up shipment

12)  Send shipping documents to receive the goods from buyers end

I think you may get a rough idea regarding buying house activities through above statement. Many small factories do not have particular buyer. They do not have strong merchandising team to procure direct order from reputed buyers. But they have to spend monthly fixed expenditure to run a production unit. They always seek help to get order to continue their production line. Buying house is always cordial to assist all kinds of garment factory whether it is big or small. Local factories may get frequent order from buying house because they have the ability to bring garments order from foreign buyers if factories are capable of accomplishing an export order by keeping buyers instructions. Thus, new investors may become interested in setting up more garment industry when this business seems to be profitable for them.

Conclusion: Finally, we can say manufacturers and buying house bonding is more important to enhance garment business in any country. Buyers and manufacturers distance can minimize through buying house performance. One is appropriate for others to alive in the adverse fashion world.

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