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Roles and responsibility of a Merchandiser

Merchandising is one of the prestigious and risky jobs in this universe. Merchandisers have to perform a tough task in their profession because they are the key person in the garment industry. They have to coordinate with all the concerned departments of manufacturing factory, suppliers, logistics, and the buyer to satisfy consumers by delivering specified goods of desired quality on the designated date. He needs to cut a balance between quality, lead time, delivery schedule, and price of the merchandise. He also takes the responsibility of securing order, sourcing materials, and continuously follows up with the customer.

Thus, they should organize material purchasing, follow-up of production, costing, quality and delivery schedule under tight deadlines. For this reason, they should maintain time and action plan properly to fruitful their activities.

responsibility Merchandiser

If everything executes perfectly, everybody will praise you, but you have to face critical moments if arise any odd situations.

A merchandiser is a reliable person in the garment industry. They have to do some particular task every day. Thus, a merchandiser must have the following skills:

1. They must have sound Knowledge in basic computer application. Should have the adaptability to learn new things.

2. They must have sound proficiency in English, both written and spoken.

3. They must be able to work under pressure, hard worker, and self-motivated.

4. They should be familiar with trims and accessories required for garments, their source, costing, and pricing etc.

5. They must be able to work on time and take the necessary action to reach the goal.

6. They are committed to delivering complete customer satisfaction to increase relationship.

7. A merchandiser must be competent in quick response regarding their assign job.

8. They must know about garments construction, size specification, and quality requirements etc.

9. They must be familiar with the total sampling procedure, garments specification, and update fashion trend to sustain their career in this arena.

10. They must be educated, intelligent, smart, and courageous to absorb all technical terms and conditions involved with the apparel industry.

11. They must have a basic idea of fiber, yarn, types of fabric, fabric construction, dyeing, printing, finishing, fabric defects, fabric replacement due to bad quality, fabric consumption, colorfastness, costing, and pricing.

12. As a critical person in the garment industry, they have to coordinate with the entire related departments.

13. They have to work in a team and adjust to any new organization. They have to believe “teamwork is dream work.”

14. They should keep touch with all other related departments to keep track of the material delivery and production, finishing, quality assurance etc.

15. They must have the skill of order negotiation and bargaining with the customers and suppliers.

16. They should know the lab test procedure and standards of fabric and other materials.

17. As per buyer standard garment manufacturers have to use Eco-friendly materials. Thus merchandisers have to know essential lab test requirements and standards.

18. They should have good analytical ability and a sound mind to expedite assign jobs.
19. Garments manufacturing business is one sort of fact and finding reasons. Quick response whenever arise any issue.

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