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Bulk Fabric Cutting Procedure in Garment Industry

Cutting is an important part of the garment industry. Cutting section does their job as per production plan. Whenever fabric received from material department to issue production line cutting section has to follow so many steps. To ready issue for the production line cutting section has to follow the following steps. For example as per production plan style “A” will be input from 20th August in the XYZ factory, 3rd floor > line- B. Then floor APG will request to cutting section concern person for size set cutting. Meantime concern APG will collect approved sample and update comments from merchandiser and handover to cutting team. Cutting team will check with pattern maker to make sure the pattern and collect marker from cad section to prepare the size set cutting.

Size set cutting:

Bulk Fabric Cutting Procedure1. Fabric should collect from the material department as per material list for 50-100 pieces.

2. Should receive the trim card, worksheet, and assortment.

3. Prepare to cut each size two pieces and arrange issue to the production line.

4. After size set making, floor APG will organize a pre-production meeting.

5. Concern merchandiser, floor APG, floor technician, pattern maker, material department, buyer quality all have to attend in this pre-production meeting.

6. During pre-production meeting, all have to review those size set samples to discuss regarding production obstacles and find a solution to smooth the production line. Then proceed for final cutting.

Bulk Cutting:

1. Make a cutting plan by opti plan software.

2. Receive cutting approval report from the quality department.

3. Make consumption and approved by concern merchandiser.

4. Make requisition slip to receive required fabric from the material department.

5. Fabric received from the material department as per approved consumption.

6. Some fabric yarn construction and context are smooth, but some are stiff or slippery. Some fabric usually got shrinkage after spreading in cutting table. So cutting guy should make it relax before spreading.

7. Spreading fabric as per trim card, make layer, check by the quality team then start cutting, bundling, numbering, panel inspection to issue the production line.

8. If need to arrange hit transfer, embroidery, fusing, printing etc. Please separate those cut panel bundle and send to concern department to add those features.

Re-cut and panel rejection replacement:
Cutting section has to collect reject part from QA team after panel inspection. Sometimes they have to replace sewing reject, printing reject or re-cut short quantity. If they require more fabric than approved consumption, then cutting team has to face concern merchandiser with actual fabric consumption for more fabric and has to provide proper document to erase short shipment.

Beside this, to do the above cutting section has to maintain some format and report to concern department regularly:

1. Consumption reports hard and soft copy.

2. Daily cutting report hard and soft copy.

3. Daily cutting variance report hard and soft copy.

4. Opti cutting plan hard and soft copy.

5. Lay sheet format (hard copy).

6. Cutting approval sheet (hard copy)

7. Panel inspection report (hard copy)

8. Re-cut request copy (hard copy)

9. Marker worksheet (hard copy)

10. Marker plot requisition (hard copy)

11. Sewing rejects slip

12. Reject fabric requisition slip

13. Delivery Challan book for printing, washing, embroidery, sewing etc.

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