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In quest of an Ideal factory!

Ideal factorySocial scientist, Philosophers, political leaders and social leaders have been looking for ideal workplace from the time immemorial. However, since the middle of the twentieth century, such factories have emerged in Europe. Japan has played special role in this case. Japanese workers are considered to care well for the organizations. They lend life- long service to the enterprises that hire them; the prosperity of the groups has been seen to have trickled down to the life of the employees and society. They believe that as the corporate are part of society they must work for it.
The Japanese people work hard and create better products because they think they have a responsibility to society, company and for self-fulfillment (self-actualization due to job satisfaction).

These principals are now known as TQM principals. Many experts now believe that TQM principals can convert a factory into an ideal factory known as TQM factory. The principals of TQM (Total Quality Management) are given below:
1. The company can satisfy the buyers by meeting the customer’s requirements
2. It is based on customer oriented systems
3. It treats its employees as internal customers allow the practice in decision-making process
4. It considers continues improvement of all walks of life as a pivotal issue
5. It survives on motivational manpower
6. It develops manpower by continuous training and retraining
7. Profitability, financial performance, and organizational effectiveness are central issues
8. TQM factories consider them as part of society and act responsibly to society
9. Compliance vigorously contributes to the development of an ideal factory.
Challenges faced by the Garments Industry
Globalization of trade and phasing out of the quota system have been taken by the many plants of the third world as a great stumbling block in the way of their survival in the growing world of tough competition. So vendor companies in the developing countries are under very hard situations which are summarized below:
1. Quota umbrella and MFA have been phased out
2. New tough competitors are in the market
3. Local protection of industries is being withdrawn
4. Emergence of new region under NAFTA and in sub-Saharan Africa is enjoying preference from the USA Govt.
5. Strict compliance with code of conduct
6. Political instability
7. Red tape
8. Lake of skilled manpower
9. Price hacking of garments raw materials
10. Lake of power supply i.e. source of energy
11. Labor conflict
13. Poor price offered by the buyers etc
Buyer always prefers a qualified factory to do bulk production as per profile and ES (Ethical Standard) evaluation. Aristocratic buyers always prefer to produce their bulk production in green factory. It would be better if the factory audited by recognized firms like Oeko-Tex, SGS, and WRAP etc. It will give additional advantage to work with renowned buyers and manufacturers may deal with buyers regarding price issue.
Buyers Requirements before place an order to a produce
Buyer’s requirements are gradually becoming very stringent and hard to satisfy. Usually, they place the following demands/criteria to the manufacturers or vendors:
1. High quality of products.
2. Competitive price.
3. Shipment on time.
4. Verity of product.
5. Quick response.
6. Short lead time.
7. High labor standards and friendly working place.
8. Employee safety at working place.
9. Abiding by the code of conduct.
10. Social compliance and workers welfare.
11. Environment-friendly production procedure.
12. Utilization of modern technology in production.

13. Innovative design team.

Currently, it is very hard to meet the diver’s requirement of buyers. Buyers are not only focusing on above issues but also strictly monitoring regarding workers safety, compliance, working environment, child, fire and safety issues etc. Hence, it is very hard to expect bulk order from buyer without improving such sensitive elements in the manufacturing sector.

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