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Sequence of Garment Business

The world that we experience in our way often conjures the most magnificent of memories. Be it the hypnotic wave of sun rays or the smile of an innocent child, the fragile beauty of a solitary landscape or the anticipatory beginning of a new era. All of these bear an invitation to the magical kingdom of emotions, a fount where we
discover joy, melancholy, and passion. The people of this universe got the liberty to celebrate a set of these precious moments and their perspective of the world among these festivals. Country to Country million dollar transactions took place during every festival. Thus, modern garment technology has invented, and so many fashion houses are inaugurated to meet the fashion conscious people demand.

Garment Business sequence
Men love fashion, and it is a common passion for their character. Eagerness of fashion is the endless game in the world. Hence, multi-million dollar fashion industry has organized where so many issues involved with illustration, procurement, production, wholesaling, distribution, advertisement, retailing, modification etc. Many of us do not think more that the dresses what we purchased from market to make fashion are the continuous efforts of so many people planning, preparation, labor, operation and implementation to bring the finished goods among us. Dresses are part and parcel of human life and dress making process dates back to thousands of years.
Initially tailoring shop could meet consumer’s requirement efficiently but production cost greatly escalated in these process. As a result gradually ready-made garments started taking away the place of the bespoke garments. Ready-made garments provide a host of benefits to the customers such as low cost, on the spot availability of the desired apparels, availability of large assortment in color, variety of collections, types of fabrics and styles. All these attributes gave cutting edge to the ready-made garments. Mechanized sewing machines lent the greatest impetus for easy dress making and eventually to large scale garment production. Large scale garment industry was launched by the facilities of product diversification, adaptation and cost minimization process.
As garment production is a laborious task, so in order to conduct successful business in local or international ground, the following sequence must be maintained.
1) Source or procure buyers
2) Conduct compliance test as per buyer’s order
3) Source right orders from the buyers
4) Make bill of materials against the export order
5) Select right suppliers for your materials
6) Give priority to buyer designated suppliers or at least consult with the buyer regarding your suppliers.
7) Make production and shipment plan as per contract
8) Launch production as per designated date
9) Emphasize on contracted quality
10) Do everything to satisfy buyer
11) Try to exceed buyer satisfaction/specifications/standards
12) Make shipment on designated date
13) If goods delivery schedule becomes delay, first let them know and make another plan to execute.
14) Submit export documents to your bank for payment

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