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How to Increase Productivity in Apparel Industry?

Concept of Productivity in Apparel or Clothing Sector:

The world is changing rapidly and becoming challenging. There are very close correlation exists between production and productivity. Every minute is countable and more important in production sector because time is considered as money. Thus productivity is a very familiar word in any production oriented organization. Authority of any production unit always emphasizes to increase productivity because profit margin mostly depends upon the activities of productivity in Apparel Industry. Product quality and productivity are the two best elements that can fix the destiny of any organization. Many of us may think that productivity is a quite different issue from quality. Actually, productivity always covers quality. Actually, there is no meaning of high productivity if produce fewer quality products or services.

Sewing line in ready-made apparel industry

It is not a healthy practice to desire productivity only from production department. Good productivity is the outcome of the total effort of any organization. In a nutshell, we can say productivity recommends to all activities in the enterprise. It is a chain process in the organization to make attention in all for getting high productivity.

Production versus Productivity:

Do you have any idea regarding production and productivity? Production means some real actions or steps which can amalgamate all resources into product or service on the other hand productivity emphasizes the process to produce particular high-quality product or service.

22 Major Factors to Increase Productivity in the Apparel industry:

Improvement of productivity in the ready-made garment-industry mostly depends on some basic parameters. Following factors may help someone to get the optimum result regarding improves productivity:

  1. Motivated workforce for better performance
  2. Continues training to escalate ability
  3. Using right processes to get the optimum result
  4. Ensure all materials in-house in time to erase line gap
  5. Patronize skill and workmanship of workers
  6. Automation of all possible works of all the departments
  7. Right material handling processes to remove hassles
  8. Job satisfaction at workplace to remove fatigue
  9. Decent working environment to stop worker migration
  10. Using right systems like ERP to create responsibility
  11. Proper machine maintenance for stable productivity
  12. Proper use of time and motion study
  13. Right quantity of high-performance machinery
  14. Right and scientific machine layout
  15. Right and scientific target setting
  16. Right type of technology used
  17. Right level of worker attendance
  18. Right leadership quality of supervisors, APM, PM, etc.
  19. Strong supply chain team to ensure material pipeline
  20. Minimum worker migration to get sustainable productivity
  21. Strong IE team to do continuous research for high productivity
  22. Implement production incentive bonus i.e. PIB among workers during rush period to achieve targets

Here I have tried to provide some tips to increase productivity in your apparel industry. You may get the optimum result by using these tips. But I think you should apply own strategy besides these tips considering time, situation and geographical culture.

Keywords: How to Increase Higher Productivity? How to Ensure Higher Productivity? Productivity Improvement in Apparel Industry | Productivity in Apparel Manufacturing | Improving Productivity in Apparel Industry | Concepts of Production and Productivity in Garment Industry.

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