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IE department regular activities in apparel industry

IE department has to do some basic task regularly as it is considered an important part in apparel industry.

Today I will try to classify their regular activities and dealings in a short to make you understand their importance in apparel industry. Let’s have a look their following regular activities in a short:

1) Day to day basic job:

a) Arrange floor meeting and stimulate workers to start production

b) Line balancing from 8.00 AM to 9.00 AM

c) Production board updates (Line wise and main board)

d) Yesterday achievement needs to inform each line supervisor and executives

e) Today plan needs to inform each line supervisor and executives

f) Make a list of today’s remaining task

g) Operators regular interview from 9.00 AM to 11.00 AM

h) Bottle neck solving by studying production document

i) Capacity study

j) Line follow-up

k) Prepare next day plan for IE team (1st plan before 9.30 AM, last update before 10.30 AM)

l) Lost time analysis

2) Other special job:

a) Operators skill matrix

b) Monthly and weekly machines requirement

c) Department 5S analysis

d) Activity sampling

e) Operators skill training

f) Prepare training schedule and documents

g) Attend HR & compliance meeting. Discuss production obstacles and find a way of motivational elements to enhance workers interest. Later deliver their speech to production people

3) Before Line feeding:

a) New style line feeding plan

b) Running style ending plan

c) New style zero hours

d) As per layout discussion follow up the new style layout

e) Re-correct the operation balancing if require

f) If any new adjustment need to note down in layout discussion document

g) Calculate the line feeding lost time

h) After feeding meeting with supervisor and technician regarding new style

I) Review size set sample properly

j) Attend PP meeting and deliver critical technical points

4) Main 6 things to focus in every new style:

a) Check total SMV is correct or not

b) Operation missing or not, additional process require or not

c) As per requirement manpower allocate or not

d) Allocate correct operators in correct place or not

e) Additional process doing or not (not productive)

f) Operators method correct or not

5) New style analysis before production:

a) Before one week finalize the operation breakdown by analyzing final PP sample

b) Take production team confirmation by signing

c) Place machine requirement to maintenance team

d) Layout discussion and confirmation from technician

e) If any process missing need to add after discussing with central IE team

f) If any additional process require or need to remove please discuss with central IE team

g) Prepare new style check list

6) Name of documents need to keep:

a) Daily performance report with lost analysis

b) Prepare monthly KPI

c) Production schedule

d) Running styles (layouts) updated capacity document

e) Running style layouts

f) All procedures (Target setting, requirement, up grading etc.)

g) Prepare today and next day plan

h) Diary for daily records

i) Running month all styles FOB document

7) After Line feeding:

a) 3rd day line capacity

b) Capacity need to prove minimum 80%

c) Balance the line as per actual capacity

d) Adjust the SMV if require

e) Capacity study the document to supervisor and manager

f) If any process low capacity need to attach issue list with details

g) Each operator target need to inform and note down machine

h) Each style capacity needs to update (Every one week)

i) Follow up using production study

8) Central jobs:

a) Prepare accessories consumption

b) Thread consumption

c) Daily performance report with lost analysis

d) Today and next day plan

e) Prepare monthly KPI

f) Keep SMV and thread data base of all style

g) Monthly machine requirement

h) Prepare operation breakdown

i) Prepare orientation training course module to enhance efficiency

j) Deliver motivation and counseling to production workers if require

The main aspect of IE team is to hire skilled manpower for production floor, provide training, evaluate workers performance, encourage workers through motivation, reduce loss time and wastage to maximize profit margin. Here I have tried to amalgamate regular activities and duties of IE department which they usually done to improve product quality and productivity. If I miss anything please be informed me through commenting or my mail ID. Your worm participation is always welcome from my end.

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